Pregnancy Services | Women's Clinic of Atlanta Skip to Content

Our Free Pregnancy Services

The Women’s Clinic of Atlanta is prepared to meet you with compassion, expert care, and the resources you need to ensure you make the right decision for you.

Early Detection Blood or Urine Pregnancy Testing

In addition to free of charge pregnancy testing, this service includes a health screening with our licensed medical professionals who specialize in women’s sexual health.

A blood pregnancy test is a reliable method of assessing for pregnancy. The test looks for a hormone called hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin). The presence of this hormone typically indicates pregnancy and can be detected 6 days after conception. A blood test is not routinely performed to diagnose a pregnancy, but it may be available based on assessment.

A urine pregnancy test is also a reliable method of assessing for pregnancy. The presence of hCG typically indicates pregnancy 10 days after fertilization of the egg and attachment to the uterine wall. Most people schedule a urine pregnancy test around the time of a missed period.

Our experts will also connect you to community resources for additional care, if necessary.

First Trimester Limited Ultrasound

Our free limited ultrasound is offered to qualified patients. For someone considering abortion, the free ultrasound ensures the pregnancy is viable, and determines the gestational age, which will determine the type of abortion one may be eligible to receive.

For someone considering placing the child for adoption or parenting, the free ultrasound provides the first step to prenatal care. Prenatal care provides regular check-ups that allow doctors or midwives to treat and prevent potential health problems throughout the course of the pregnancy and to promote healthy lifestyles that benefit both mother and child.

Proof of Pregnancy for Medicaid

If you believe you are pregnant, in the state of Georgia, you may be eligible for Medicaid coverage immediately. Patients who receive a positive pregnancy test at one of our clinics can receive assistance in reference to the Medicaid application process. Our Social Services team is well versed in reference to completing the necessary forms and ensuring the required documents are included when completing the application.

Pre-Pregnancy Care

Our pre-pregnancy appointment includes a sexual health screening, education on healthy tips during pregnancy, and prenatal vitamins.

What to Do If You Are Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy

An unwanted pregnancy can be intimidating to face alone. If your pregnancy test is positive, our team is here to support you with educational resources and medical services. We also offer abortion screenings to assist women in making a choice about their pregnancies.

Get In Touch

Appointments are available by phone and text.

Text Appointment to (404) 777-4771

Call Decatur: (404) 377-6640 or Johns Creek: (404) 937-3334